How Migration is Different From Immigration? Migration vs. Immigration vs. Emigration

Difference between Migration and Immigration

In the current scenario, more people than ever before are living in countries different to where they were born. Meaning, today we have more migrants in the world than ever before in the entire recorded history. People have historically always moved from one place to another. Some moved in search of better work opportunities, education and so on while others moved to avoid political conflicts and violence.

Mass migration over the centuries has brought the world to this point where according to the Population Division of the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) there are 281 million migrants globally which roughly accounts for 3.44% of the total world population. 

Before we delve into further facts and stats about migration and immigration, we must understand all the terms related to this topic. It is important to have a clear understanding of the meaning, types and significance of these two terms and how migration is different from immigration? This blog contains all the meaningful explanations of these concepts in depth and their significance in the real world.

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What is the Meaning of Migration?

Migration is a general term that refers to the movement of humans from one place to another. Migration applies to moving within the country (internal migration) as well as outside the geographical boundaries of the country (external migration). It can be temporary or permanently enforced due to multiple personal, economic and political reasons. 

An important example of migration that we see in our daily lives is the movement of people from rural to urban areas in search of better employment, education and quality of life. Another example of migration would be movement from India to another country for various reasons.

What are the Common Types of Migration?

Types of Migration

Migration can be divided into different categories depending on the direction, duration and the reason for the move. Discussed below are some of the common types of migration; 

Internal Migration

This type of migration refers to movements limited to the physical border of a state, region or country. Even in internal migration, there are multiple distinctions such as rural-to-urban migration, urban-to-urban migration, etc.

International or External Migration

As the name suggests, it is a movement of people from one country to another. Even in international migration, there are different sub-categories such as;

  • Legal migrants who were allowed by the host country, 
  • Illegal migrants who have hopped the border without due paperwork  
  • Refugees are those who cross international borders looking for safe destinations to usually get away from war, violence and political suppression in their home country.

Short-Term Migration

In this case, people usually move from one place to another for a short period. For example, travelling for tourism and leisure is a kind of short migration. 

Seasonal Migration

Moving from one place to another due to changes in weather, work opportunities, etc is called seasonal migration. Agricultural labour is a suitable example of this type of migration. 

Voluntary Migration

It is a pre-planned movement made possible by following the legal process of moving from one place to another. Migration for business, employment, and education are all examples of voluntary migration. 

Involuntary Migration

This is less of a migration and more of a displacement caused due to political unrest, war and other forms of life-threatening conditions.

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Why Do People Do Migration?

People move for various reasons but political and economic reasons remain the most common reasons for migration. An important point to note is the Push and Pull factors that play an important role in migration. It simply means reasons pushing one away from their country and the reasons pulling one to a specific destination country.

Education –

Education abroad has gained significant ground in recent years becoming one of the top reasons for migration.

Employment –

An important economic reason for moving abroad is better employment opportunities. Candidates are always chasing more lucrative pay and better working conditions.

Political Reasons –

Persecution based on one’s religion, identity, ethnicity, etc remains one of the most common reasons for migration today. War and civil unrest also add to the political reasons for migration. Armed conflicts and human rights violence also fall under the same category.

Environment/Climate Change –

People have always migrated to avoid natural calamities such as constant flooding, extreme temperatures, earthquakes, etc. This reason still holds to this day.

Healthcare –

Another common reason people move abroad is in search of better healthcare and wellness.

What are the Benefits of Migration?

  • Economic growth in the home region/state/country of a migrant who moved abroad for work is one of the direct benefits of migration as they send money back home. 
  • The migration of skilled workers proves to be crucial for the destination country’s economic and social development
  • Cultural diversity is an unexpected yet important benefit of migration.
  • In the case of internal migration, migrants act as a bridge of social change in rural areas. A migrant moving to an Urban area and understanding the importance.

What is the Meaning of Immigration?

Immigration in simplest terms is the act of moving from your home country to a different country permanently or for a long period. The concept of immigration is older than the modern laws that exist today. Back in the day nomadic tribes used to immigrate from place to place in search of fertile lands and other favourable conditions to lead a safe and fulfilling life. 

Today, immigration in its essence continues to grow with millions of people immigrating from their home country to a different foreign nation for multiple reasons.

What are the Common Types of Immigration?

Based on the reason for moving abroad, immigration can be divided into certain categories. The most common and popular types of immigration are discussed below;

Economic Immigration

This includes all forms of immigration that contribute to the destination country’s economic development. Immigration of candidates for employment and business falls under this category.

Family-sponsored Immigration

As the name suggests, this type of immigration includes acquiring permanent citizenship of the destination country through family members already living there. It includes relations such as spouses, children, parents, grandparents, siblings, etc.


Individuals who are displaced due to political persecution, armed conflicts and wars often immigrate to countries with a more stable social and economic structure.

Individuals who are displaced or forced to move to another country due to political persecution, armed conflicts and wars are called refugees.They immigrate to countries for a more stable social and economic structure.

Educational Immigration

Although temporary, millions of students globally immigrate every year to pursue their educational aspirations.

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Why Do People Choose Immigration?

Reasons for Immigration

The reasons for immigrating depend completely on an individual and the country they are emigrating from. Nonetheless, the following are the top reasons for immigration;

Employment –

Candidates from less economically stable countries look for opportunities to immigrate to first-world countries. This provides the candidates with great employment opportunities and equally good remuneration.

Education –

Millions of students immigrate globally every year in search of better educational opportunities and exposure.

Family Reunification –

Another common reason for immigration is to reunite with family members who may already be living abroad.

Human Rights –

It is common for people from conflict zones to immigrate abroad in search of a better life.

Environmental and Climate Change –

Although uncommon, people immigrate to different places to avoid extreme climatic conditions and natural disasters.

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Understanding the Difference between Migration and Immigration 

The terms migration and immigration are used interchangeably in many cases. However, there are major differences between the two which is quite essential for understanding the phenomenon of moving abroad.

Migration means moving to a new place either to establish a permanent or temporary residence.Immigration means moving to a foreign country with the intention of permanently residing there.
Migration can be within the same state/region, same country or across different countries.Immigration directly means moving to a country different from their home/origin country.
Migration is generally temporary and in rare cases only turns permanent.Immigration is a permanent move.
Example – Ukrainians migrating to neighbouring states to avoid Russian.Example – Candidates immigrating to more developed nations for education and employment etc.
Difference between Migration and Immigration 

What is Emmigration With Example

The term emigration is closely related to immigration. But it is important to understand the difference between the two. Immigration means entering a country to live, preferably permanently. On the other hand, emigration is the act of leaving your home country. Both these terms are related to each other. 

If you immigrate from your home country to live in a foreign nation then you will be known as an emigrant in your home country. And you will be referred to as an immigrant in the destination country.

Difference Between Emigration and Immigration

Although immigration and emigration are closely related to one another as they are two sides of the same coin, there are still certain differences between them. These differences have been highlighted below.

Emigration Immigration 
It refers to the act of leaving one’s home country to settle permanently or for a long time in a foreign country. Immigration means moving into a foreign country for education, employment, business, etc. 
It is related to “leaving” your home country or country of origin. Immigration means “coming” to a country that you are not native to. 
Candidates need to perform the emigration procedures. Immigration procedure concerning the destination country needs to be performed. 
Emigration is generally motivated by political, social and economic reasons. Candidates immigrate to grab better economic opportunities, reunite with family, seek refuge, etc. 
Difference Between Emigration and Imigration

Frequently Asked Questions 

  1. Is there a difference between immigration and migration?

Yes, there are huge differences between immigration and migration. The most prominent being the fact that immigration means moving to a foreign country generally for permanent residence whereas migration means movement from one place to another, generally temporary. 

  1. What is the difference between emigrating and immigrating from?

Emigrating means leaving one’s country to settle abroad and immigration refers to moving into a foreign country for permanent settlement. A person who moves abroad is an emigrant to the citizens of the home country and an immigrant to the citizens of the destination country. 

  1. Are immigration and emigration the same?

No, but immigration and emigration are two sides of the same coin. Emigration means leaving the home country whereas immigration means coming to a foreign country. 

  1. Is migration only about moving to a new country?

No, migration can refer to movement within the same state or the same country. For example, movement from rural to urban areas for employment is an example of migration that happens within the country. 

  1. Are refugees and migrants the same?

Migrant is a term that defines people who move voluntarily in search of better economic opportunities and quality of life. Whereas refugees are involuntary migrants who have been displaced due to conflicts and wars. 

  1. What is the difference between migration, immigration and emigration?

Migration is the general movement of people from one place to another. Immigration refers to entering and settling in a new country, while emigration is the act of leaving one’s country to live elsewhere.c